Using Google Cloud to beat gemini-1.5-flash rate limits

18th July 2024

TLDR; hit each of GCP's 29 regions once and send batched inputs to save time and work around rate limits

Gemini 1.5 flash is great: fast, effective and accurate. What isn't great is the default 1/request/region rate limit for it. Imagine now, you have >40,000 articles and 42 requests to the api for it. How long would it take, well.. 1,680,000 minutes or roughly 3 years and 2 months.

Tinkering with this rate limit requires a sales team to approve your request and well a student working off credits doesn't score that too easily.

What's the fix?

  • Region switching: A cool bypass that instigated the writing of this blog
    • We have rate limits per region but once key thing I overlooked getting to work was that Google's Cloud Platform gives you 29 regions to choose from.
    • So, if you're hitting the rate limit in one region, switch to another. This is a great way to get around the rate limits and get your data faster.

  • Batch processing: Gemini listens to instructions better than every model I've used including the pro version from the same family.
    • To use this to my advantage, I decided to send 60 articles/request(more for sub-nodes, but that's for another blog).
    • I simply prompted gemini to answering in json and provided my database identifier from the article to the model.

Putting it all together


How It Works

  1. Cloud Functions sets the wheels in motion, sending messages to Cloud Pub/Sub, specifying which region should process the batch.
  2. Cloud Pub/Sub sends these region-specific messages to Docker containers running on Compute Engine.
  3. Cloud Storage delivers batches of 60 articles for each prompt to the appropriate Docker containers.
  4. Docker containers process the articles and send the results to Cloud SQL for evaluation and storage.
  5. Cloud Functions schedules and triggers the next batch of tasks to repeat the cycle.

The Game-Changing Results

Here’s where things get exciting. With this setup:

  • Requests per minute: 29 (one per region)
  • Articles per request: 60
  • Articles processed per minute: 1,740
  • Articles processed per hour: 104,400
  • Articles processed per day: 2,505,600
  • Articles processed in 3 years and 2 months: 2,923,200,000

That’s a whopping 1,740x increase in processing speed. And the ironic part? It’s all thanks to Google Cloud solving an issue I ran into with Google Cloud.