After endlessly surfing through docs and youtube videos I was able to set up my pis to build a cluster! This is exactly how I did it
- At least 2 raspberry pis with an OS and ssh enabled connected on the same network
- I strongly recommend raspberrypi lite, it's simple and made for the pi
- I used 1 raspberry pi 5 8gb and 2 raspberry pi 3b+
- that's it.
Why microk8s?
- Light-weight: 40% the amount of memory usage when compared to standard kubernetes
- Supports ARM by default(the architecture all pis run)
- Easy to use, and extremely convenient to connect worker nodes
On each node
- Install snapd
$ sudo apt update $ sudo apt upgrade -y $ sudo apt install snapd -y
- Install microk8s via snapd
$ sudo snap install microk8s --classic --channel=1.23/stable
- Run microk8s as sudo by default
$ sudo usermod -a -G microk8s $USER $ sudo chown -f -R $USER ~/.kube $ newgrp microk8s
On the master node
$ microk8s status --wait-ready
$ microk8s enable dns dashboard storage
$ microk8s add-node
This command will then proceed to output a command that looks like this
microk8s join <master-ip>:25000/<token>
On the worker node/(s)
Simply run
microk8s join <master-ip>:25000/<token>
Note: do not use the same command for more than one worker node
That's it, you now have your very own pi cluster! This is mine: